OverTheWire Bandit Levels 11-15
Level 11
The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt, where all lowercase (a-z) and uppercase (A-Z) letters have been rotated by 13 positions
bandit11@bandit:~$ ls
bandit11@bandit:~$ cat data.txt | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
The password is <PASSWORD>
bandit11@bandit:~$ ssh bandit12@localhost
bandit12@localhost's password:
Level 12
The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt, which is a hexdump of a file that has been repeatedly compressed. For this level it may be useful to create a directory under /tmp in which you can work using mkdir. For example: mkdir /tmp/myname123. Then copy the datafile using cp, and rename it using mv (read the manpages!)
bandit12@bandit:~$ ls
bandit12@bandit:~$ mkdir /tmp/scottctaylor12
bandit12@bandit:~$ cp data.txt /tmp/scottctaylor12
bandit12@bandit:~$ cd /tmp/scottctaylor12
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data.txt
data.txt: ASCII text
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ cat data.txt
00000000: 1f8b 0808 ecf2 445a 0203 6461 7461 322e ......DZ..data2.
00000010: 6269 6e00 0149 02b6 fd42 5a68 3931 4159 bin..I...BZh91AY
00000020: 2653 5930 3e1b 4000 0014 ffff dde3 2b6d &SY0>.@.......+m
00000030: afff dd1e dfd7 ffbf bdfb 3f67 bfff ffff ..........?g....
00000040: bde5 bfff aff7 bfdb e5ff ffef b001 39b0 ..............9.
00000050: 480d 3400 0068 0068 1a00 0000 01a3 4000 H.4..h.h......@.
00000060: 0001 a643 4d34 0000 d00d 0698 800d 1934 ...CM4.........4
00000070: d0c4 d034 1a36 a343 646a 1c9a 3206 9a00 ...4.6.Cdj..2...
00000080: 3406 8000 068d 064f 51a3 4000 000f 5000 4......OQ.@...P.
00000090: 6868 0034 d308 0da4 6990 1a03 4000 6869 hh.4....i...@.hi
000000a0: a0d0 00d3 2341 94d0 0006 8006 8034 1a34 ....#A.......4.4
000000b0: 00d0 d000 0310 d068 3400 001e 900d 1a19 .......h4.......
000000c0: 0062 68d3 4680 640f 48d0 d320 0068 621a .bh.F.d.H.. .hb.
000000d0: 0543 0116 180c 6232 a7d7 82c8 7bd4 2374 .C....b2....{.#t
000000e0: 1de5 e375 b7b9 0b78 2d37 bd61 5cdf 40da ...u...x-7.a\.@.
000000f0: b8e5 3258 213d e4bb ecb2 8d51 84f9 3bd0 ..2X!=.....Q..;.
00000100: b1c9 ef2a bcff 45cc 1f1c 0028 1cfe 8784 ...*..E....(....
00000110: 78a9 7611 0a81 c4d5 cb26 4b80 7888 c9bc x.v......&K.x...
00000120: 2b3e a351 59ae c1fd 36c8 286e d6c3 bb2b +>.QY...6.(n...+
00000130: b280 d19b 70b3 190a 0204 4603 9f79 e2b8 ....p.....F..y..
00000140: cf1b 8330 fcad 3780 86c2 5c3d 5bc9 4631 ...0..7...\=[.F1
00000150: 3718 5e2e a88c 34e6 8461 35ad c14f 6fd4 7.^...4..a5..Oo.
00000160: 31dd a5cc 5223 545e e01d ff23 cde3 22cc 1...R#T^...#..".
00000170: 22fa a62b e27a dfa5 d4f0 c326 28ef a4b3 "..+.z.....&(...
00000180: adc5 149c 1c27 dbc4 97b9 6342 487e bfe3 .....'....cBH~..
00000190: 02ee d63e 3379 8ebc d559 c670 7987 da1d ...>3y...Y.py...
000001a0: 4c4b 5ec4 9965 075b 9d0b 08ee df17 d07c LK^..e.[.......|
000001b0: ea9a 5fbf 43e7 d405 5239 1437 0c8a 34cd .._.C...R9.7..4.
000001c0: be6f a949 b061 68e8 6ba5 c9ba 4112 0819 .o.I.ah.k...A...
000001d0: 7cb9 a3c8 bff1 0895 1819 8f80 407e dc32 |...........@~.2
000001e0: 9269 ca68 3f58 bb30 cd9b fcd6 0006 1224 .i.h?X.0.......$
000001f0: 177b fe66 c676 01f0 a5bc 9131 6746 cc85 .{.f.v.....1gF..
00000200: 1a39 e46f 6b9a 7bd4 694b e999 c300 b57e .9.ok.{.iK.....~
00000210: 9b0a 1229 fac1 cc0c 24fb a905 a06a b8cf ...)....$....j..
00000220: cb56 2a73 6016 6950 8208 5785 af54 0d42 .V*s`.iP..W..T.B
00000230: 754e 5a48 8835 2b47 aa9b c45e 4ca8 a7a0 uNZH.5+G...^L...
00000240: 61dd e070 7717 9346 5f14 d808 8263 7746 a..pw..F_....cwF
00000250: 5100 3af8 fa20 ff8b b922 9c28 4818 1f0d Q.:.. ...".(H...
00000260: a000 e793 1e61 4902 0000 .....aI...
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ cat data.txt | xxd -r > data2
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.txt data2
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data2
data2: gzip compressed data, was "data2.bin", last modified: Thu Dec 28 13:34:36 2017, max compression, from Unix
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data2 data2.gz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ gunzip data2.gz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.txt data2
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data2
data2: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data2 data2.bz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ bunzip2 data2.bz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.txt data2
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data2
data2: gzip compressed data, was "data4.bin", last modified: Thu Dec 28 13:34:36 2017, max compression, from Unix
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data2 data2.gz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ gunzip data2.gz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.txt data2
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data2
data2: POSIX tar archive (GNU)
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data2 data.tar
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ tar -xvf data.tar
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.tar data.txt data5.bin
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data5.bin
data5.bin: POSIX tar archive (GNU)
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data5.bin data5.tar
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ tar -xvf data5.tar
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.tar data.txt data5.tar data6.bin
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data6.bin
data6.bin: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data6.bin data6.bz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ bunzip2 data6.bz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.tar data.txt data5.tar data6
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data6
data6: POSIX tar archive (GNU)
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data6 data6.tar
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ tar -xvf data6.tar
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.tar data.txt data5.tar data6.tar data8.bin
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data8.bin
data8.bin: gzip compressed data, was "data9.bin", last modified: Thu Dec 28 13:34:36 2017, max compression, from Unix
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ mv data8.bin data8.gz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ gunzip data8.gz
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ls
data.tar data.txt data5.tar data6.tar data8
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ file data8
data8: ASCII text
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ cat data8
The password is <PASSWORD>
bandit12@bandit:/tmp/scottctaylor12$ ssh bandit13@localhost
bandit13@localhost's password:
Level 13
The password for the next level is stored in /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14 and can only be read by user bandit14. For this level, you don’t get the next password, but you get a private SSH key that can be used to log into the next level. Note: localhost is a hostname that refers to the machine you are working on
bandit13@bandit:~$ ls
bandit13@bandit:~$ ssh -i sshkey.private bandit14@localhost
Level 14
The password for the next level can be retrieved by submitting the password of the current level to port 30000 on localhost.
bandit14@bandit:~$ cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14 | ncat localhost 30000
bandit14@bandit:~$ ssh bandit15@localhost
bandit15@localhost's password:
Level 15
The password for the next level can be retrieved by submitting the password of the current level to port 30001 on localhost using SSL encryption.
bandit15@bandit:~$ cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit15 | openssl s_client -ign_eof -connect localhost:30001
depth=0 CN = bandit
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 CN = bandit
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:/CN=bandit
Server certificate
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 1015 bytes and written 631 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES128-SHA
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Protocol : TLSv1
Cipher : AES128-SHA
Session-ID: C1A2E20B002FD9A294EE41E11D00129A351140D2D6626578964FF563D75CCFB3
Master-Key: 08D68848D7D1560B2D66420A24F494DEB83E2F15B08F0AD17EDB33BF2E9E746943B7EE4F40F63B2E03C4AEC544E89865
Key-Arg : None
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
SRP username: None
TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 7200 (seconds)
TLS session ticket:
0000 - 08 f0 15 a5 d6 6f a0 e8-06 d6 bb a4 0c 33 eb 04 .....o.......3..
0010 - c7 66 49 73 33 89 d4 d9-d7 8e 1c aa a8 f8 dd 7b .fIs3..........{
0020 - 20 4c 8c e4 eb f2 e9 8f-5d f5 d3 ac 32 25 48 ef L......]...2%H.
0030 - 92 16 b1 81 87 61 8f 87-66 87 31 73 fa dd 69 a2 .....a..f.1s..i.
0040 - 87 41 17 e7 56 69 4e a5-c0 11 fe 33 60 f0 26 1c .A..ViN....3`.&.
0050 - 44 ac b4 e5 9f 68 22 cb-34 9e 0f f0 61 01 74 91 D....h".4...a.t.
0060 - 83 82 38 d7 9f 59 a1 16-21 f0 f4 5d 42 d1 56 85 ..8..Y..!..]B.V.
0070 - cd d8 96 7f 57 52 f0 c3-ee 10 8c f5 20 ed 5a 89 ....WR...... .Z.
0080 - ab c8 81 33 86 c7 93 19-88 b1 94 60 a3 68 0e c9 ...3.......`.h..
0090 - db 10 30 bc 23 bc 4f 76-57 ea ee 02 ef 30 d5 a3 ..0.#.OvW....0..
Start Time: 1537042930
Timeout : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
bandit15@bandit:~$ ssh bandit16@localhost
bandit16@localhost's password:
Continue to OverTheWire Bandit Levels 16-20